Knowledge Triangle for a Low Carbon Economy
The wider project objective is to create a systematic and structural approach for implementation of knowledge triangle principles, including sharing of knowledge, information and skills for joint exploitation of research capacities for sustainable growth based on innovation in WBC. We want to create institutional integration of education, research and innovation.
To fully implement the wider objective, the following specify project objectives are defined:
1. To create a structured multi-country network between the HEIs and industry sector in WBC countries with aims to exploit the full value of collaboration and cooperation (open innovation), making an impact to academia, business and society.
2. To set-up 5 Knowledge - Innovation Centres at WBC HEIs with aim to manage knowledge triangle activities in WBC, supported by the innovative cooperation platform
3. To create and implement professional programme in cooperation with industry sector in the field of Sustainable energy in 3 WBC HEIs involved
4. To increase awareness on knowledge triangle importance in Albania, Bosnia and Kosovo.
ERASMUS + KA2 - Capacity building for Higher Education
15/11/2020 - 14/11/2023
For more information visit: www.kalcea.com