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Αριθμός Αναφοράς



ERASMUS+ KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training




  • Contentplus, Poland (Coordinator)

  • Institute For Research In Environment, Civil Engineering And Energy, The Republic of North Macedonia

  • Znanstveno raziskovalno sredisce Bistra Ptuj, Slovenia

  • Stowarzyszenie na rzecz innowacji i edukacji, Poland

  • Creative Thinking Development, Greece




Development of Courses for Sustainable Waste Management for Municipalities

The ENCOURAGE project will help to change the current approach, to accept and embrace the sustainable concept of waste management and at the same time act as an influential factor in encouraging other members of the community to follow their example.

The project assumes development of high quality innovative IOs dedicated for e-learning. ENCOURAGE will provide well-defined results, services and solutions with precisely analyzed strategies that are up to date with new digital trends. Project tried to underline strong commitment to the continuity of the programs in an outstanding quality and to support the students in acquisition new competence while operating of the training materials available on the innovative e-platform. Lacking knowledge and skills in the field of sustainable WM can be improved by passing the knowledge from know-how countries.

The project training courses will cover topics that will provide implementation of WM legislation, organization and realization of the obligations of the municipalities, establishment of sustainable WM system, reducing of waste quantities and proper waste management in general. Implementation of the gained skills and knowledge in appropriate waste management will contribute to reduction of emissions of GHG, i.e. positive impact on climate emissions, and reduction of air, water and soil pollution, which are directly connected with the WM.

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